September 22, 2008

SYTYCD Tour Stop in Portland, Oregon

Last night, I was able to come clean on my latest bet with Marcel Drew: So You Think You Can Dance. As you all know (if not, see previous post "You Gotta Lose Every Once in Awhile"), I lost a bet with Marcel for the first time out of 6. Back in early August, I bought us tickets to their tour stop in Portland and the night finally came. We had never been before and didn't really know what to expect but it turned out to be just the best dances from the season, and very few new dances. We had great seats for me being poor and buying the cheapest tickets possible! We happened to be in the front row of the "bad" section so we were able to see everything perfectly(I did wear my glasses just to help that much more!).

Marcel again was the photographer so I had 130 pictures to go through but I think I found some of the best ones to show!

And during the very last dance I remembered to tell Marcel that my camera has a video camera on it so he got the end of one of the winner's dances, but then he recorded their new dance that was sort of like an encore. Don't mind the little bit of the video he took of me in the middle of the dance. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Ben and Krystle said...

Hey girl,
I had to let you know that I added you onto my blog I see you have already done so. I dind't realize how many of my old friends have blogs. Just noticing them from other blogs. It was nice to see a few pictures of you and what you are up to. Take Care