September 29, 2008


I've been thinking about getting to post this on my blog for quite some time but the time has finally come! Marcel proposed to me tonight! I can't wrap my head around all of the emotions running through me right now. I feel so loved by him and all my family and friends.

How it happened:
I kinda saw it coming. One week ago we went together to the jewelry store to look for rings. I always said I never wanted to do that, but it was an experience of a lifetime. Sharing that with Marcel is something no one can ever take from me. The lady there even let him look at wedding bands so that we were playing fair: if I got to try on rings so did he. Yesterday, I had a Sunday School Open House after church so Marcel left me there to go to "shoe shopping". Last night, he asked for my car for today to run some errands. It kinda gave it away but with him not having a car there wasn't much he could do! He decided that we needed to go swinging tonight--that's what sort of clued me in...He knows I'm a big fan of swinging but I've never got the impression that he is. We walked from campus to a nearby park to swing. After he took 100 pictures of me swinging, he pulled out the box while I was still swinging to which I replied, "I think I need to stop swinging now." I am a "scaredy cat" so I can't jump off swings so I had to try to slow myself down enough to get out and go kiss my boyfriend (still was boyfriend at the time). Tears didn't come until I got out of the swing and got to Marcel. We moved away from the swings and he got down on one knee and said those 4 famous words. Of course I accepted and continued the crying! We stayed in the park and took tons of pictures of me, the ring, us as an engaged couple. What a night I ended up having!

There are 200 pictures of the night (if you don't believe that Marcel loves being behind the camera, read my blog about my birthday) but my camera battery is dead so I can't upload the rest of the pictures until tomorrow. Don't worry the better ones are coming!

Here's one for the night...

Marcel trying to entertain me by swinging with me. He looks pretty silly but I love him anyways and am very glad to call him "my dork".


McClains said...

Congratulations!! I am so excited for you! You will have so much fun starting a new life with the love of your's the best in the world!

Teri said...

Yay Congratulations Marybeth!!! What a cute way to propose to you. He sounds like he will be a dreamy husband! You will be a beautiful bride.