April 24, 2009


Last night, Marcel and I were lucky enough to be able to attend Grease in Portland's Keller Auditorium. I was invited because I am a part of Pacific's Alumni Association, everyone who graduates becomes a part of it, I didn't do anything special! I knew it was a "cultural" event which Marcel likes to have me do to open my world up to new things, yet it was one I was actually really excited for. Even with the group ticket prices, I couldn't afford to buy the tickets just because so we went for Marcel's birthday, which is on Sunday. I even treated him to dinner before at his place of choice: P.F. Changs. Little did we know, we'd be there for happy hour and get out with dinner for 2 and dessert for $20!

We had a great time, even if they did overplay Taylor Hicks' role in the whole thing! He did get to sing one of his new songs and we decided that it will make the playlist for our wedding, which is getting closer and closer. We can't wait ;)

At P.F. Chang's

The fountain outside the Keller

Grease is the word!

Before the show

My driver ;)

After the show waiting in the parking garage

April 22, 2009

Marcel's Presentation

Today Marcel presented his senior thesis entitled Percussion In Ensemble. He composed a percussion score (I think that is the correct musical term, but I could be far off!), taught musical, but non-percussionists their new instrument, and today conducted them in concert. With the help of a friend he even made a video using clips of their 5 rehearsals to see how far they came as an ensemble. He then had the audience participate by clapping or snapping at different beats to add to the piece. Everyone had so much fun.

The conductor

The next generation percussionist

The happy couple on a very happy day!

I also took video of the performance, but only the first minute or so. I realized his mom was doing the same thing and Snoh (Marcel's brother) was getting restless and is very fascinated with digital cameras.

I am so proud of Marcel for such a big accomplishment. He's one step closer to graduation!

April 20, 2009

Bridal Shower Weekend

This last weekend, my mom and sisters(Emily & Hannah) were in town. The main reason they came was to help me move into my new apartment and we all had the brilliant idea to do double duty and have a bridal shower for my very upcoming wedding. My mom and sisters did a great job planning the thing, with the help of my bridesmaids, Amy and Kelly. We played a lot of fun games and had good food, just what a party should have! I had a lot of good friends at the shower, including Marcel's mom and aunt who drove down from Washington. I had seen our wedding colors together in a magazine, but until the shower I had yet to see it together. They were even able to find fake pink and orange daisies for decorations--it was a relief to love how it came together so beautifully!
My wonderful sisters & maid of honors

My awesome roommates & bridesmaids

The girls of my family

Enjoying the party they planned so perfectly!

The bouquet for the rehearsal dinner

The Bridal Party

A priceless picture to the photographer

High school buddies
(the original MB2--squared!)

The guests

Sunday, the day after the shower, we went into town and I was finally able to wear my dress again! They finally brought it from Idaho, and we went to David's Bridal because I decided I wanted a veil for the big day. It was nice to have it on--it made me realize May 30th is actually going to be here and I'm not planning for a day so far away. I cropped the picture below to cut out my dress even though Marcel doesn't know how to read my blog just to keep everyone in suspense. Only my mom and sisters have seen it on and it will be that way for 40 more days!

My lovely sisters who have been tremendous help the last 7 months!

April 19, 2009

Bridal Shower Preview

I'm exhausted and we still have a TON to do before my family leaves tomorrow but I took pictures from their cameras and am so excited about them, so here's one of us!

Before my bridal shower

April 17, 2009

Hannah's In Town

My littlest sister, Hannah, has been in town since Monday after driving out our new car (a picture will be coming, I've yet to take one!). We've completely moved my stuff out of my current house, except a few key items I need until May 1st, when I have to be out of the house, oh and of course the big furniture. Marcel and I decided that we should take her to do something fun so we were very cheap hosts and took her bowling.

Our bowling alley has free bowling on Thursday nights for students, so we all bowled for free! It is something I only did 2 times the whole time I was in school. Marcel won both games, and I was very disappointed in my bowling performance, but we had a blast anyway!

Sisters reunited at last!

The big winner

April 13, 2009

Easter & Snoh's Birthday

Yesterday, Marcel and I had a very busy Easter Sunday. We headed up north to Olympia/Lacey (I always say we go to Olympia, but I'm pretty sure they live in Lacey!) after 2 church services in Oregon, one we attended and one I taught. It is a drive that I hate actually driving, but had to because I'm still in the rental car and Marcel is not authorized to drive it. We stopped halfway through the trip for food and drink because I had gotten sick the night before. We weren't there for too long, because Marcel had school to get back for, but all in all, we had a great time. Got to see some family-to-be and had a pretty relaxing day off from everything.

Onto the best part: pictures!
The birthday boy on his new bike
(in the garage, because it was trying to flood yesterday!)

Mr. & Mrs. Bailey (in 47 days)
Me and Myah, Marcel's darling cousin, who instantly attached to me, just like she did 6 months ago on Thanksgiving. We know that we'll have one just like her someday:)
A pretty silly picture but we took it ourselves
All the kids enjoying their birthday cake in the kitchen
(it was delicious and made by the same guy doing our wedding cake!)
Hope everyone else had an Easter as good as we did!

April 10, 2009

Quantum of Solace

To continue our tradition of competition, Marcel and I each filled out a bracket for the NCAA March Madness tournament. As always, Marcel followed all the teams the whole season and MaryBeth simply waited to complete the bracket when it became available and simply went based on seeding and if she had heard of the teams or not--it was enough for her to win the last 2 years! However this year, it wasn't. Marcel won the bet this year, and marked the first bet he's won on a sporting event. I am now 6-2, still something I think is worth bragging about! Last year, going into the championship game, I was down by 9 points and if Kansas won it all I'd get 10 points and end up winning (I only picked Kansas to win the whole thing because Hannah had just moved there!) and they did so I won too! This year I was up by 3 but Marcel had a chance to get 10 points if UNC won, which they did ;( I decided it was pretty cool that for the last 2 years one of us had correctly picked the champion!

We decided we were going to win a movie of our choice for winning. I wanted him to buy me Marley & Me, and he picked:

Quantum of Solace (007)
I'm gladly buying it to fulfill the bet but am very disappointed to be adding a "boy" movie to our movie collection. Marley & Me would have fit in much better!
There's always next year :)


Today is a special day, and not in the sense that Marcel and I always mark our "special day" (anniversary, but month style--the 22nd of every month we take special care to make sure we are together and can simply have some time to talk, catch up, and realize how much we love each other). It is now 50 days until our wedding! I've been waiting for this day simply because its the next chain link I'm saving, along with 100, 75, 25, and 1-10, but also because I know 50 days means its right around the corner! With everyday I'm discovering another reason why I can't wait for May 30th! Yesterday's reason: no more grocery shopping for 2 houses!

Some planning still has to get done, like another pack of invitations for addresses we're still missing, and confirming our menu and details with the location, but I trust fully that everything will fall into place perfectly in plenty of time so I can sit back and simply enjoy the big day!

What's left of my chain:

April 2, 2009


Today, Marcel and I went to sign our lease. Everything went extremely well. They were even nice enough to only make us sign a lease until December 31st, since we're hopefully going to be in Idaho by then, considering Marcel or I get into school there.

We have keys and can start moving in whenever we want now! I've had boxes in my room forever and still have yet to buy packing tape to prevent myself from packing prematurely. Well, now the time has finally come. Everything keeps falling into place so nicely. It is extremely comforting to see things work out so well. We truly do have God on our side!

Cute Commercial

My mom sent this to me the other day and I thought it was so precious. I figured most people who read my blog have kids so I'd post it here to spread the love.

I hope Marcel has this relationship with his daughters (plural, yes--I grew up in a family of 3 girls and would LOVE that for my family!) one day!

April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day

I almost made it through my whole day without having a trick played on me. It helped I'm sure that I haven't seen Marcel today, but I was certain that being at the gym with so many kids, there was no way to hide from it being April Fool's Day. But at 8:30 as the last kid was going home, my streak ended. He told me he was going to Disneyland when school got out, but on a day like today that means he's not!

Marcel and I are getting our keys tomorrow :)