December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008

The Arctic Blast 2008 caused some major plan changes which left me and Marcel alone to spend Christmas together. This was the first time we had spend December 25th together and we had a great first Christmas. I am also looking forward for our first married Christmas next year!!

We woke up to a white Christmas and even received some new flurries! After opening our presents, we made monkey bread, which was breakfast and lunch :) Then we went to the theaters to see Valkyrie. The adventure in that was that we got stuck on my road trying to get there. On our way home we decided to shovel out my road even more so I'd be able to get to work the next morning. As soon as we had finished we lost power. We continued inside to light all our candles and make emergency food in case it didn't come back on soon. After that was completed, the power came on and we started our Christmas dinner: ham, homemade french fries, corn and chocolate pie! It wasn't as extravagant as others, I'm sure, but for our first holiday meal, it was a huge success!

Some of the best pictures!
"Always Kiss Me Goodnight"

Marcel and his coveted new beanie
On our way out to the theater
Proud of our wonderful meal

December 22, 2008

I'm So Over Snow

I think I jinxed Portland's weather. A week before this awful storm started I said I'd do anything for some snow here and even hoped for a White Christmas. In Portland, I thought it was just wishful thinking that there would be no possible way. Well we ventured out again today--and now Kelly and I hate the snow!

Our story in pictures!

This was where we left off last night, at least with my car. Kelly's did look better but not much.

So after we walked 10 minutes down the road to the store we decided that if we were already dressed warm we might as well try our luck at getting chains on our vehicles, since they are required in our entire county on all vehicles.

Step 1: Measure the snow--this used to be fun, but it's losing the coolness factor each day!

Yeah that's right your eyes are not deceiving you. 15 inches!

Step 2: Begin using some of our awesome winter weather supplies

Again you are seeing correctly, one of our favorite piece of equipment the last 2 days has been our dust pan. Other items used include our indoor broom (why would we possibly have a big outdoor one?), a rake (as much as our parents laughed at us it came in very handy), and lastly a gardening shovel that Kelly had so luckily never returned to her parent's house.

Result of Step 2:

Look its our driveway!

Step 3: Put on chains
This part actually went pretty easily, no complaining here except Kelly did it without gloves on...Brrr!
Step 4: Drive 1/4 mile in order to get chains tightened...
This is where we stopped taking pictures, but the rest of the story goes like this:

We were so proud of ourselves for being 2 girls and shoveling all day and finally get chains on a car and we excited to finally leave our house (even if only for .25 mile!). We made it about 5 feet before we couldn't go any further. Kelly's car got a bit high centered on our snow piled driveway. Then began more shoveling with our infamous supplies. An hour later we left like we had finally made a dent in how our driveway looks so she tried to move her car. Lucky for us, our work had paid off and she was able to drive again. We were yelling at the snow for the entire 3 hours we were outside trying to unbury our cars and finally decided that for now we don't want to see anymore snow. It even decided to snow some more while we were struggling so much. I hope knowing we were out there for 3 hours makes this blog seem like what we went through. I thought the step 1, step 2, thing made it seem really easy when it was far from that way! Our goal for the day was to get chains on both of our cars and to drive around the block in each car so we're able to resume life tomorrow, but in the end we got chains on 1 car and didn't make it out of our driveway. I still feel really accomplished! In the end, I'm never again going to wish for something weather-wise again.

PS- This is now officially the worst storm Portland has had in December since 1968, and the 4th most in a season in the last 30 years. We are very grateful that we could be here to be a part of history!!

December 20, 2008

Snow Storm in Forest Grove

It has been snowing since I got up this morning and since my work shift got cancelled I have thoroughly enjoyed doing nothing but staying dressed warm and scrapbooking my day away all while enjoying the snow storm. Every few hours me and Kelly go and very officially check the snowfall with our ruler. This last time we decided to take pictures to document the adventure it was!

Our "official" measuring shows 10 inches in our front yard, well more like sidewalk since I wasn't going to put my feet into the pile while being in my warm pajamas

Kelly's car (with mine and Amy's in the background) covered with snow. We are finding it very funny and ironic that Amy is in warm weather while her car is getting covered with snow.

My attempt to keep up with Kelly for artistic pictures! I like how my flash captured the snowflakes so well...

We've never remembered to do anything with our borrowed lawn chairs, like maybe put them in our garage, because we NEVER go in the backyard, but that is the very reason we went back there tonight.

These are Kelly's footprints in the snow when she was trying to measure the pyramid on our table, kinda seen in the picture above! It doesn't show very well either that with about another inch of snow we will officially be snowed it, at least through our back door.

Maybe for the first Christmas I'm not in Idaho I'll actually get a White Christmas!

Christmas Decorations!

So in keeping with the holiday spirit I decided I'd take a picture of how I'm decorating my house for Christmas this year. I am finally in the Christmas spirit after Zoo Lights and am listening to nothing but Christmas music, which is huge for me, and am loving all our snow!

As some of you may know, I won't be returning home to Idaho for Christmas until the 27th (I got an extra day off, it was supposed to be the 28th!) so I'll be having my first Christmas away from my parents and sisters. Marcel, his mom and little brother are headed back here in the next few days to spend Christmas with me so I'm not completely alone. They will then drive to Idaho on the 26th and we'll all drive back on the 30th--hoping the roads aren't closed between here and there. One of my roommates is already at home and the other will be going home Monday so it is up to me to supply the Christmas decorations. I did buy some stockings for me and Marcel but after I got them home and realized they weren't going to be Christmas presents from Santa I decided I don't really like them. Marcel and I are going to hit some big after Christmas sales so we have stuff to decorate next year even if I have to do it twice (we'll hopefully be moving back to Idaho mid-December 2009)

The big decorations:

I colored a Christmas tree with the little kids at work, even had so few kids because of our snow storm that we got to glitter so it even has Christmas lights and a gold star at the top! I think before Christmas I'll do some rearranging of the furniture so that our presents look pretty but for now my house has the presents for Marcel and what the 2 of us got Snoh & Coco.

P.S. If you click on the picture it makes it really big and you can look at the tree up close :)

December 15, 2008

My first coffee

Yesterday I redeemed my gift card at Starbucks for a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocoa, after having a small sip of someone's a few weeks ago at work. I've tried sips of people's coffee drinks for years and have never found one I thought I'd buy for myself knowing that I'd never drink the whole thing. This one is absolutely delicious and I'm particularly grateful to have found a caffeinated beverage that I enjoy. I will be working an over night shift at Banana Republic tomorrow from 9pm-6am, after working 24 Hour Fitness from 4-830pm. It will be a long night tomorrow but one that should be lots of fun with the help of what will be more than 1 cup of coffee!

December 14, 2008



Now I'm just hoping to have a white christmas which is always my hope for Christmas. My work shift was cancelled because they closed early and chances are that it will probably be cancelled in the morning as well as tomorrow was supposed to be the day of snow so it will only be continuing.

Maybe tomorrow I'll have to get dressed up warm again and go throw snow balls at Marcel. I'll make sure to take some pictures as well, because a post without a picture just isn't the same :)

Zoo Lights

Saturday night Marcel and I braved the "Arctic Chill" as the news has been calling it and went to experience Zoo Lights for the first time. We had had it planned for that night before the snow and freezing temperatures and we decided to go through with it anyway. It was a nice 35 degrees but no precipation.

This was me after dressing warm, including 5 layers on top (that includes a 2 layer jacket) and leggings (a pair of my 24 HR Fitness work pants) and jeans on bottom. My one regret was that I forgot to switch to my soft fluffy warm socks.

We spent a long time in line in order to ride a:
to see the entire zoo in lights. We weren't very good photographers while on the train but it was still beautiful and definitely worth the wait in the cold, without hot chocolate because I had just deposited all my cash--it's too dangerous to carry around!

The only animal we saw in person was a
and we even saw one that was just 4 months old. See

Here are some of my favorites of our artwork.

Overall it was great night and a great date before Marcel heads back to Washington for Christmas break...just in time to return to Forest Grove with his mom and brother for Christmas here with me before our quick trip to Idaho (in which we'll do Christmas and also leave him on his own so I can go wedding dress shopping!)

December 1, 2008

Photos by Snoh

The two weekends before Thanksgiving Coco and Snoh had been in Portland to watch Marcel's concerts. This is really when we noticed Snoh's new interest in photography...Here's some of my favorites! Part of Amy's movie collection!
He couldn't figure out how to hold the camera with one hand to take a picture of his own hand so I lent mine!

I had to take this one but I'm in love with it!

Back to Snoh's art! Kelly was getting her camera ready for our engagement picture session and he thought that was photo did I!